What is Google's Panda?

What is Google's Panda? it's very appropriate title for this post. because I will tell you what it is google panda. Google Panda is the latest  algorithm google search engine in 2011, after the beginning of the year 2010, do update algorithm google search engine with the name "Google Caffeine", last year at the end of the month of February 2011 google again to update the algorithm is called "Google Panda". Google Caffeine previously thought google would provide better search results turned out not guarantee quality sites appearing on the main SERP position, so that in 2011 this Google update its search engine algorithm. it's really uphold the good name of the company.

In the Google Panda algorithm google is more emphasis on content anticipation farm. This make friends who are beginners may still be confused what is meant content farm.
Content farm. In the context of the World Wide Web, the term content farm is used to describe a company That Often employs large numbers of freelance writers to generate large amounts of textual content the which is specifically designed to satisfy algorithms for maximal retrieval by automated search engines. Their main goal is to generate advertising revenue through attracting reader page views
Google translate version:
Content farm (farm content) is the term used to describe a website company that employs a large number of freelance writers (freelance writer) to produce large amounts of text content that is specifically designed to meet the maximum search algorithm to search engines automatically. Their main purpose is to generate advertising revenue through the display pages attract readers.
As Google began to lower the rating information blog that is detected as "content farm" so that some sites are categorized as farm content decreased drastically visitors coming from search engines. Some sites are experiencing reduced the percentage of visitors are ezineaticles decreased to 86%, HubPages.com has decreased by 80%. While the site is experiencing an increase in visitors as wikihow.com increased to 79%, answers.yahoo.com 29%, more can be found at Google Farmer Update affected.

Based on information from official website google about Finding more high-quality sites in a google search for the current algorithm google pandas are still applied in the U.S. to other countries including Indonesia would follow the panda. Its greatest effect was on the possibility of many social bookmarking sites and sites article directory.
As a beginner bloggers do not have to mess with the update algorithm, you should still adhere to the guidelines set by Google at google webmaster site center guideline.
Some of them:
- Create a blog's content is original and has the relevance of certain topics (your post is not the result of a homemade copy and paste. The mean is unique content)
- Blogs can provide information and offer solutions to the visitors to the blog
- Post blog has benefits for visitors
Create beginner bloggers should not be discouraged in competing in the Google SERP, because all the blogs still have a chance to grow, we only need to focus on blog content and blog visitors whether the target visitors focus on beginner or intermediate level. Because it is not easy to get something easy.

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