Step By Step Guide Installing Ubuntu 11.10 Into Computer / Laptop

Ubuntu 11.10 name is Oneiric Ocelot  has been released a few month ago. maby i'm very late to post this article. Actually i'm not late, i have post this on my another blog. This is y new blog, ofcourse. If you decide to try it for themselves on the computer / laptop with you, here are simple ways that you can follow the installation process one by one.

1. Download Ubuntu ISO in This Ubuntu ISO size is 700MB. If you have limited internet, please ask your friends to help you .. :) to download the ISO .

2. Burn the ISO file to a CD / DVD (on CD Image, not in the form of data)

3. Set the boot priority in the BIOS of your computer to read the CD / DVD drive first before HD. If your computer does not boot into Ubuntu, most likely the problem is due to boot this priority.
4. Insert the CD / DVD  just Ubuntu 11.10 into the tray CD / DVD and then restart the computer. You will find the computer will boot to a CD if the boot priority is correct.

5. You will see the following screen appears. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard to make the choice of language. In this tutorial I'm using "English".
6. On this second view, I would suggest you select [Try Ubuntu without Installing]. Once again press the [ENTER] on your keyboard to make selection.
7. After you get to the ubuntu live cd desktop, double-click on the icon [Install Ubuntu 11.10].

8. Window will be appear. Once again, select [Home] and click [Continue].
 9. This step will be to check whether your computer has free space  to install Ubuntu. I do not recommend you to tick the two options below as it involves the process of downloading data from the internet that would delay the installation process. Click [Continue].

10.This step will determine the space where Ubuntu 11.10 will be installed . There are two cases that I will comment on here, since this measure among the most important.

10.1 Only for advance users only.
Select [Something else] then click on [Continue].
 Then, select the partition to install Ubuntu into it. Make sure it is in the format of the file system you want and set mount point to "/". You also need to create your own swap partition if selecting measures is 10.1.
10.2  Select [Erase Disk & Install Ubuntu]

You will be taken to the next exposure. Select the partition you want to install Ubuntu on [Select drive]. The chart below will show the situation after the Ubuntu partition is mounted. Click [Install Now].

11. As the installation progresses, you will appear as follows some of the display settings.

11.1 Set the location & time zone. Click [Continue].
11.2 Set the keyboard layout (usually English U.S.). Click [Continue].
11.3 Set personal information & password. Click [Continue].

11.4 Set your identity photos. You can use a webcam if necessary. Click [Continue].
11.5 Wait until the installation is complete.

Tips: Skip the processes involved in data download from the internet if you have limited internet.

12. Restart your computer / laptop.

13. Welcome to the world of Ubuntu 11.10!
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