Poland ratified Online Censorship Law

It seems that the more restricted the freedom of cyberspace after a few states make laws such as Law Stop Online Piracy and the Law of Intellectual Property owned by the United States. Now, turn to Poland to sign a similar law called international copyright treaties.

Media ZeeNews proclaim, Thursday (26 / 1), the regulation of Internet users feared would lead to censorship on some pages online.

Japanese Ambassador to Poland, Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska, also signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, in Tokyo, Japan. ACTA is much agreement that aims to harmonize international standards to protect the rights of copyright in producing music, film, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and various other products that often become victims of theft of intellectual property.

ACTA aims to combat online piracy of movies and music. It was feared the government to block content on the Internet.

Poland is one of several European Union countries to sign the ACTA. The signing of the agreement has caused outrage and protests from Internet activists. However, the leader of Poland's struggle to allay concerns. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said the Internet should not be allowed to be a space "legal anarchy".
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