How To Creat TabView Without Edit HTML

Perhaps with this image of you may know what is meant of ViewTab. This widget is very useful to allow visitors to browse articles that exist and this is very important because in addition to facilitate the visitors but also very interesting in seeing.
Lately, if we want this widget , we must edit HTML again, but this is the easy way to create it.
Creating a ViewTab Without the Edit HTML again.

This is the step to create it :
  1. Login to  with your ID 
  2. Click the Layout
  3. On the Page Elements tab, add the Element, Select HTML / Javascript
  4. Then enter  script below into the Form HTML / Javascript .This script is creating from Indonesia, enjoy it to use. 

<style type="text/css">
div.TabView div.Tabs
{height: 30px;overflow: hidden}
div.TabView div.Tabs a {float:left; display:block; width: 98px; /* Lebar Menu Utama Atas */
text-align:center ; height: 30px; /* Tinggi Menu Utama Atas */
padding-top:8px; vertical-align:middle; border:1px solid #BDBDBD; /* Warna border Menu Atas */
border-bottom-width:0; text-decoration: none; font-family: "Verdana", Serif; /* Font Menu Utama Atas */
font-weight:bold; color:#000; /* Warna Font Menu Utama Atas */ -moz-border-radius-topleft:10px; -moz-border-radius-topright:10px}
div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover, div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active {background-color: #E6E6E6; /* Warna background Menu Utama Atas */ }
div.TabView div.Pages {clear:both; border:1px solid #BDBDBD; /* Warna border Kotak Utama */ overflow:hidden; background-color:#FFFFFF; /* Warna background Kotak Utama */ }
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page {height:100%; padding:0px; overflow:hidden}
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad {padding: 5px 5px}
<script type='text/javascript'>
function tabview_aux(TabViewId, id)
var TabView = document.getElementById(TabViewId);
// ----- Tabs -----
var Tabs = TabView.firstChild;
while (Tabs.className != "Tabs" ) Tabs = Tabs.nextSibling;
var Tab = Tabs.firstChild;
var i = 0;
if (Tab.tagName == "A")
Tab.href = "javascript:tabview_switch('"+TabViewId+"', "+i+");";
Tab.className = (i == id) ? "Active" : "";
while (Tab = Tab.nextSibling);
// ----- Pages -----
var Pages = TabView.firstChild;
while (Pages.className != 'Pages') Pages = Pages.nextSibling;
var Page = Pages.firstChild;
var i = 0;
if (Page.className == 'Page')
if (Pages.offsetHeight) = (Pages.offsetHeight-2)+"px"; = "auto"; = (i == id) ? 'block' : 'none';
while (Page = Page.nextSibling);
// ----- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------
function tabview_switch(TabViewId, id) { tabview_aux(TabViewId, id); }
function tabview_initialize(TabViewId) { tabview_aux(TabViewId, 1); }
<form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div id="TabView" class="TabView">
<div style="width: 300px;" class="Tabs"> <a>Tutorial</a>
<a>Title 2</a>
<a>Title 3</a>
<div style="width:300px; height:250px; " class="Pages">
<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad"> <a href=""><li>Blogger</li></a>
<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad"> Content of menu tab view 2
<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad"> Content of menu tab view 3
<script type="text/javascript">

1. For an explanation of the green text to the contents of the title menu  1, 2,  and 3
2. For a text explanation of the blue text That is the title of the menu to 1, 2, and 3

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