Trillian vs Ebuddy

One of them is the support device interface that can connect us visually with our cyberspace friends. Since its first appearance, some applications Instant Messenger or IM in short, is dominated by giants like Microsoft with Windows Live Messenger, Google's Gtalk, and of course are already familiar in desktop Netter all, Yahoo Messenger.

Especially for Yahoo Messenger has several shortcomings that make it less and best in IM Gadget version. Therefore, as his successor many users switched to IM applications that can be used in desktop and Gadgets. This time, it is with that new applications emerged to the surface, that never in the calculated earlier by its competitors.


Needless to say, in 2008 attracted a lot of eBuddy. One advantage is that it can be run on the web. And have the sync feature. In ebuddy lets users add a phone number in the list of friends. So, can the Import and Export to the contacts features in your phone. But that applies only to some types of mobile phones with Symbian operating system specific.

Moreover, in our eBuddy possible using many accounts. are available to write this article is MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Gtalk, Facebook, ICQ, and the last is Myspace. Not only that, eBuddy also have an account too called eBuddy ID, which can integrate and connect you into multiple accounts at once. Ebuddy itself can be accessed on the official website at And if you want to download it in your gadget, please visit


This one is more professional than ebuddy, Trillian Messenger itself is widely available for some devices. One was for Microsoft Windows. Trillian also be provided in two options, there is free choice and there is also an option to pay (PRO). The difference is in the pro version adds lots of features to provide an account.


Trillian vs. eBuddy, Which are the Most Popular?


  • Each has its own advantages, such as eBuddy. EBuddy is the advantage of its features are fully given free by the developers. In contrast to Trillian, to add a lot of your IM accounts required to pay. Trillian lost in this case.

  • Others are in the container device, Trillian already can download the Desktop version but eBuddy still  run in a web application. But from this feature Trillian better than Ebuddy..

All options in the hands of visitors, but you are fully legitimate to try both. happy messenger.
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