Facebook Timeline "Required"

Facebook Timeline has introduced since the end of 2011, but only used for anyone interested. However, Facebook will require all users to use the latest timeline.
From now on, users will only be told that they were 'update' through announcements at the top of their home page, which when clicked the user will activate the Timeline.
As the timeline switch voluntarily, those who 'update' has just seven days time to select the photos, posts, and events in their lives who want to display to the world, on Thursday (25 / 1).
Through Facebook's official blog, the site announced, "last year we introduced a timeline, a new type of profile that lets you highlight the photos, posts, and life events that help you tell your story".
"Over the next few weeks, everyone will get a timeline. When you get a new timeline, you will have seven days to see what's there now".
"It gives you the opportunity to add or hide whatever you want before anyone else see it".
The new look was also paired with a 'timeline apps', such as Spotify, who posted every time people listen to songs, or recipes, or visit the place.
"You can learn more about new features quickly take a tour are available at the top of your timeline," Facebook said.
"If you want to get the timeline right now, go to page Introduction Timeline and click the 'Get Timeline' Or you can wait until you see the announcement at the top of your home page.".
The pages are redesigned to have more photos like a magazine, with a 'photo cover of' large at the top of the page. To the right of the page there will be a timeline that breaks down all of the time someone posts on Facebook and allows users to jump back to the original posting by breaking a month-by-month.
As is known, the latest FB timeline has been criticized for display of photos and posts that people might want to forget. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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