Facebook Timeline "Required"

Facebook Timeline has introduced since the end of 2011, but only used for anyone interested. However, Facebook will require all users to use the latest timeline.
From now on, users will only be told that they were 'update' through announcements at the top of their home page, which when clicked the user will activate the Timeline.
As the timeline switch voluntarily, those who 'update' has just seven days time to select the photos, posts, and events in their lives who want to display to the world, on Thursday (25 / 1).
Through Facebook's official blog, the site announced, "last year we introduced a timeline, a new type of profile that lets you highlight the photos, posts, and life events that help you tell your story".
"Over the next few weeks, everyone will get a timeline. When you get a new timeline, you will have seven days to see what's there now".
"It gives you the opportunity to add or hide whatever you want before anyone else see it".
The new look was also paired with a 'timeline apps', such as Spotify, who posted every time people listen to songs, or recipes, or visit the place.
"You can learn more about new features quickly take a tour are available at the top of your timeline," Facebook said.
"If you want to get the timeline right now, go to page Introduction Timeline and click the 'Get Timeline' Or you can wait until you see the announcement at the top of your home page.".
The pages are redesigned to have more photos like a magazine, with a 'photo cover of' large at the top of the page. To the right of the page there will be a timeline that breaks down all of the time someone posts on Facebook and allows users to jump back to the original posting by breaking a month-by-month.
As is known, the latest FB timeline has been criticized for display of photos and posts that people might want to forget. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Poland ratified Online Censorship Law

It seems that the more restricted the freedom of cyberspace after a few states make laws such as Law Stop Online Piracy and the Law of Intellectual Property owned by the United States. Now, turn to Poland to sign a similar law called international copyright treaties.

Media ZeeNews proclaim, Thursday (26 / 1), the regulation of Internet users feared would lead to censorship on some pages online.

Japanese Ambassador to Poland, Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska, also signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, in Tokyo, Japan. ACTA is much agreement that aims to harmonize international standards to protect the rights of copyright in producing music, film, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and various other products that often become victims of theft of intellectual property.

ACTA aims to combat online piracy of movies and music. It was feared the government to block content on the Internet.

Poland is one of several European Union countries to sign the ACTA. The signing of the agreement has caused outrage and protests from Internet activists. However, the leader of Poland's struggle to allay concerns. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said the Internet should not be allowed to be a space "legal anarchy".

FBI Will Be Monitor Your Facebook and Twitter Accounts

After the issue had become quite warm, how third parties can monitor our personal account of social media, now it seems it will happen real soon.

News released by The Telegraph, reveals how the FBI - America's intelligence agency - give open offer to the industry of information technology (IT) that can provide applications to monitor social media sites that exist in cyberspace.

One of the requirements of such applications include applications that allow the FBI to be able to access the account owner's personal data in real time, and can show the exact location of the user while accessing his account.

Some acts of criminality that these days are often associated with the account actors in the social media sites, seems to make the United States authorities to consider the need to take preventive action.

Social media has become a major source of intelligence, because he (social media) has become first and foremost the media response to several important events, and media alerts to all forms of evolving situations that allow", the following statement of the FBI in open bidding. 

Of course this also raises the pros and cons in the community. Issue of privacy will be increasingly intensified to avoid this to happen. However, the FBI apparently chose not to comment on this issue.

How do you think? More benefits or disadvantages?

Windows 8 Developer Preview, Amazing !

 Although the form is not yet in a final ( Considering Windows 8 It's still BETA version ), following the author will describe the parts that are very interesting in this Windows 8.

  • UI is in fact the concept and equated it to the user Computer Table, called Metro. This is a view mainstay of Windows 8.
  •  Display the Control Panel is complete with Preview to see any changes in the desktop later. So, even if you do not use that settings, you will still be able to see it.

    • Display number of applications that can be accessed directly from the UI Metro.
    • Form in desktop mode, the display is still the same desktop with Windows 7.
    • The most striking is in the File Manager, File Manager in Windows 8 is already using the Ribbon.
    • Display windows in moving or copying a file looks interesting.
    • Display systemnya are still the same with Windows 7, no change.
      • Another new feature is the Task Manager, if the first time will open the graphical display of your RAM work process.

      There are few things the author wants to convey to you, maybe if you are a novice user will feel confused to use it. It was natural that the author when the first entry in the Screen. Not to display the desktop does not immediately appear, because preceded by Metro Screen.

      Perhaps, this special prepared for application developers who want to sell later on Windows 8. For applications in Windows 8 can not be used to other operating systems though it is in Windows 7. But Windows 7 applications can be used in Windows 8. Of course there will be many more changes in the final version.

      Is scheduled to release in 2012, certainly makes a lot of parties can not wait to forward this best-selling operating systems.

      Trillian vs Ebuddy

      One of them is the support device interface that can connect us visually with our cyberspace friends. Since its first appearance, some applications Instant Messenger or IM in short, is dominated by giants like Microsoft with Windows Live Messenger, Google's Gtalk, and of course are already familiar in desktop Netter all, Yahoo Messenger.

      Especially for Yahoo Messenger has several shortcomings that make it less and best in IM Gadget version. Therefore, as his successor many users switched to IM applications that can be used in desktop and Gadgets. This time, it is with that new applications emerged to the surface, that never in the calculated earlier by its competitors.


      Needless to say, in 2008 attracted a lot of eBuddy. One advantage is that it can be run on the web. And have the sync feature. In ebuddy lets users add a phone number in the list of friends. So, can the Import and Export to the contacts features in your phone. But that applies only to some types of mobile phones with Symbian operating system specific.

      Moreover, in our eBuddy possible using many accounts. are available to write this article is MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Gtalk, Facebook, ICQ, and the last is Myspace. Not only that, eBuddy also have an account too called eBuddy ID, which can integrate and connect you into multiple accounts at once. Ebuddy itself can be accessed on the official website at http://www.ebuddy.com/. And if you want to download it in your gadget, please visit http://www.get.ebuddy.com/.


      This one is more professional than ebuddy, Trillian Messenger itself is widely available for some devices. One was for Microsoft Windows. Trillian also be provided in two options, there is free choice and there is also an option to pay (PRO). The difference is in the pro version adds lots of features to provide an account.


      Trillian vs. eBuddy, Which are the Most Popular?


      • Each has its own advantages, such as eBuddy. EBuddy is the advantage of its features are fully given free by the developers. In contrast to Trillian, to add a lot of your IM accounts required to pay. Trillian lost in this case.

      • Others are in the container device, Trillian already can download the Desktop version but eBuddy still  run in a web application. But from this feature Trillian better than Ebuddy..

      All options in the hands of visitors, but you are fully legitimate to try both. happy messenger.

      VIPRE - Anti-Virus tough as COBRA

      One more anti-virus are present to accompany the Microsoft Windows Operating System this is Vipre and Vipre Anti Virus Internet Security. Maybe a lot of similar Anti Virus which certainly have no doubt his ability as AVG, Kaspersky, Avira, Avast, and so forth. So what is different from the Vipre anti-virus?.

      Let us examine the ability it offers, including:

      • Generation of Anti-Malware Technology, As for some of Variant that can be detected by Vipre is Remediates, spyware, rootkits, Trojans, and so forth.
      • High Performance on PC / Laptop, Vipre uses Stack Stand Alone technology that serves to scan the volume quickly. This will affect the performance once on your PC / Laptop.
      • Technology Anti-Root Kit, Vipre will automatically turn off applications that run in hidden or concealed. Included will display all the files in the hidden.
      • Full protection against the Operating System, Virus renowned astute in disguise and hide themselves in the files to be destroyed. Well, this is where the role of an Anti-Virus to protect the OS. Vipre will recognize the first malware in every movement.
      • Internet Security, SCAM or Phishing and things like that can happen via email. Vipre Anti-Virus will maintain data security system email for Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and any email program that uses POP3 and SMTP. Influx of emails from the server process will feel very comfortable.
      • Remote capabilities from outside, according to the authors, one of the great features of the Anti-Virus is the presence. That way we can monitor and turn off the device performance that we think is not useful in containing the threat.  

      There are also some important points of the Anti-virus, such as the size is quite mild compared to some competitors, such as AVG, or Kaspersky which requires about 100 MB of drive space. Vipre Anti-Virus on the file size was only 11 MB and can try the trial in http://www.vipreantivirus.com/Antivirus-Trial/. For the premium version you can buy with a price range of $ 178.46 per year. Price does not include a DVD or CD, just for one license only.

       This Anti-virus fastest in the scan, in recent months VIPRE emerged and became a rival major companies such as AVG, Avast, and Kaspersky. Looking at some of the bid that is given by the anti-virus, it never hurts to try. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Clonezilla Live, Best Applications for Cloning Hardisk

      Cloning  seems not only occur in living things. Because Steven Shiau has just been launched release of Clonezilla Live famous applications with the release of his latest is more stable for cloning your hard disk. As for cloning the hard drive version of the application is none other than the Clonezilla Live 1.2.11-23.

       In launching this new edition, Clonezilla Live 1.2.11-23 has now reportedly ready to overshadow the 32-bit architecture and 64-bit, including major improvements and various bug fixes before. Clonezilla Live is powered by Linux 1.2.11-23 kernel 3.1.1-1 and features Partclone Gdisk 0.2.38 and 0.8.1. And to release its own, this application has also been based on Debian Sid repository from the date of the last 28 November 2011.

      Then what is meant by Clonezilla Live alone? Clonezilla Live is an application of a minimal Linux distribution based on Partition Image, ntfsclone, DRBL and udpcast. Or in other words, it can be said as a live CD based on Debian, which is an open-sources software to partition and disk cloning software similar to Norton Ghost. And restore using a block of storage on the hard drive so fast and more efficient place to allow for large-scale cloning computers simultaneously. To be able to clone a 5 GB system to 40 clients, reportedly using Clonezilla Live is an application only takes about 10 minutes.

      Ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, xfs, jfs, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and HFS+ is now rumored to have supported the existence of the application Clonezilla. That way, Clonezilla Live can be used to clone a Linux operating system, Microsoft Windows and even Apple's Intel-based Macs though. While in every other filesystem reportedly can be cloned with dd.

      A new mode, called 1-2-mdisks, has also been added to the main menu Clonezilla. The existence of the mode is said to be able to facilitate the process of restoring an image to multiple disks at once. And this of course can be optimized for the manufacture of USB flash disks that are large.

      Clonezilla Live 1.2.11-23 has support for cloning and imaging VMFS5, Grub 2 has improved, as well as the EFI booting a machine capable of booting a Macintosh only through the device class USB flash disk (MBR partition table). And for other changes diusungnya among which the existence cpufrequtils package,-pa |-postaction option also added to the OCS-onthefly (to perform a shutdown or reboot a machine after the cloning process), and not to mention the name of an NTFS volume and DOS partitions to appear before the restore process. Meanwhile, for the existence restoreparts and restoredisk options will be displayed only if there is an image in his image repository.

      Here scope for improvements in applications such as Clonezilla Live 1.2.11-23: k1 option bug, bugs NFS 4, clone NTFS partitions with Clonezilla 64-bit edition, and Windows 7 "system reserved partition" that reportedly will no longer be enlarged if the restore process with k1 option.

      5 secrets Seo For Beginner

      Previously at SEO Tips  I've explaining about Understanding SEO. And this SEO Tips I'll explain you  About SEO For Beginners. I'm also the beginner.

      Seo For Beginners Learn to outline there are 5 parts, what are they? OK let's discuss one by one

      1. Content (content site)

      Learning SEO The first is the quality of the content of our website, If you want your website is always visited by visitors and is a first page of google search, you should have quality content. Search engines are now equipped with a program or bot that reliable in analyzing a website or blog, if you have web content / web content is good then you will enter in the first page of search engines.If your website is included in google first page of these visitors will open up your web first, and if the contents of your website is good, then do not close the possibility of these visitors will read your articles the other web.

      2. Keyword (title of article)

      Learning SEO The second is the selection of Title and Title of the Content article that we make. Lots of people ignore this, but it is an important value to get a high ranking in search results. You must be astute in making a post title. Find out what people are currently busy looking for, or what topic is being discussed in the blogger world or in the world of information right now, if you are not a reliable SEO Tool do not make the same title with other people, better for the new title or keyword .

      3. Engine Wordpress

      The third is learning SEO Engine Wordpress, I will not discuss what advantages wordpress than blogger, here I just try to assess the SEO web masters who have been successful.
      Maby you know and heard of World SEO Contest which we call Busby SEO Test. The contest was followed by the bloggers and websites around the world that go No. 1 on the first page of Google search will come out a winner, so the bloggers are in demand to remove all the potions and the spell of its SEO so that your web / blog they entered ranked first in google search.

      I try to see the incoming web 10 on the first page of google, most of them all using WordPress Engine, why Wordpress is very reliable and SEO Friendly? I also do not know the exact answer, certainly if I may guess, Wordpress have many available plugins,called by wordpress-plugin or widget that can boost SEO web that we have.

      4. Google

      Learning SEO The fourth is to maximize the search engine Google, it does not mean we don't care yahoo, MSN, or altavista but for now Google is the master of all search engines. My suggestion to use tools from Google to boost your SEO Web search engine google, I use 3 tools google, that's Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, and Google Alerts. Hopefully by using these 3 tools your website more SEO Friendly in google eyes.

      5. Moment

      Learning SEO which is the fifth-Utilizing the booming moment, mean is we write article about hot topics or warm at this time.

      For blogger using blogspot .. come on we learning together How google to index and crawl our artilce at first page with Edit Blogger Template SEO Friendly.
      5 Secrets of Successful SEO which I have concluded above, of course we must also consider other small tips too, 5 tips above are just basic things that must be understood and studied in advance, after studying five new top secret we try other helpful tips also.

      Edit Blogger Template SEO Friendly

      Change HTML code and manipulation template just for SEO friendly right. Now just explain you about Change the heading tags.

      Change the Heading tags are very useful Because the sequence determines the heading tags is more important when google index. Sequence of the most important uses h1 tags for the most important and so on up to h6 tags. It can be used to strengthen our posts directly in google. The trick is to give the h1 tag for the title of the posting. However, if you do so at random may actually be exactly happened multiple h1 tags on your page.
      The solution ...?
      Some bloggers choose h1 tag fixed to the title of the blog as standartnya. And they changed the post title tag from h3 to h2. Creating a post titles list is more important. However, for those of you who still want to use the h1 tag for the title of your post to actually strengthen the index to your postok, just do it...

      You can follow this trick:

      • Log in Blogger
      • Layout
      • EDIT HTML
      • Layout 
      • Tick Expand Widget Template
      • Post Title Heading Tag Manipulation 
      • Find The Code Bellow 

      <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
                <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
               <b:if cond='data:post.link'>
                 <a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
                  <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
                    <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>
      •  Change the code above with :

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
          <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
                <h2 class='post-title entry-title'>
               <b:if cond='data:post.link'>
                 <a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
                  <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
                    <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>
                <h1 class='post-title entry-title'>
               <b:if cond='data:post.link'>
                 <a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
                  <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
                    <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>

      • Post Title Heading Tag Manipulation 
      • Find The Code Bellow 

      <h1 class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width: 0px'>
             <b:include name='title'/>

      •  Change the code to

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
                    <h1 class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width: 0px'>
                      <b:include name='title'/>
                    <p class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width: 0px'>
                      <b:include name='title'/>

      •  Find the code below

      <h1 class='title'>
            <b:include name='title'/>

      •  And change to

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
                  <h1 class='title'>
                    <b:include name='title'/>
                  <p class='title'>
                    <b:include name='title'/>

      •  Find css code for post title and title of your blog. For example code like this. Find a similar..

      .post h3 {

          .post h3 a, .post h3 a:visited{

          .post h3 a:hover {

      •  Change code to

      .post h1, .post h2 {
                margin:.25em 0 0;
                padding:0 0 4px;

              .post h1 a, .post h1 a:visited, .post h1 strong,  .post h2 a, .post h2 a:visited, .post h2 strong{

              .post h1 strong, .post h1 a:hover, .post h2 strong, .post h2 a:hover {

      • The last step just find css code for tittle of your post
      • Find similar like this

      #header h1 {

      •  Change it to
      #header h1, #header p {
            margin:5px 5px 0;
            padding:15px 20px .25em;
            font: $pagetitlefont;

       And you'r DONE..


      What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

      Search Engine Optimization is a set of processes are carried out systematically aimed at improving the volume and quality of traffic through search engines to visit certain web sites by utilizing the mechanism of action or the search engine algorithms. The goal of SEO is to place a website on top position, or at least the first page of search results based on certain keywords that are targeted.

      Logically, a web site which occupies the top position in search results have a better chance to get visitors.Along with the growing use of Internet as a medium business networks, the need for SEO is also increasing. Being at the top of search results will improve the chances of a web-based marketing company to gain new customers. This opportunity is utilized a number of parties to offer search engine optimization services for companies that have a base of business on the internet.

      History of SEO ( source : wikipedia.com )

      According to Danny Sullivan, search engine optimization is a term first used on July 26, 1997 by a spam message posted on Usenet. At that time the search engine algorithms are not complete yet so easy to manipulate.
      Initial version of the search algorithm is based entirely on information provided by the webmaster via the meta tag in html code on their web site. Meta tags provide information about the content contained on a web page with a series of keywords (keyword). Most webmasters do manipulation by writing the keyword that does not correspond to the real site's content, so the search engines the wrong place and rank sites. This causes search results to be inaccurate and cause losses to both search engines and for Internet users expect relevant and quality information.
      Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University computer science, trying to overcome these problems by building BackRub, a simple search engine that relies on mathematical calculations to rank web pages. Algorithm, called PageRank, is a complex mathematical function is a combination between the calculation of the number of links that point to a web page with an analysis of the quality of each link.

      Based on the principle of PageRank, can generally be said that the web pages that get high rankings are a lot of web pages linked by other web pages. PageRank value will be higher if a web page that led to him also have a high quality. The value of a high-quality links from sites like Yahoo! or DMOZ can be valued higher than the combined value of one hundred links from low quality websites.
      BackRub is only a beginning. In 1998 Page and Brin founded Google, which is an advanced version of BackRub. In a short time Google acquired a reputation and public trust of Internet users because it successfully provides quality search results (not manipulated), fast, and relevant. PageRank then be a good standard for other search engines as well as for webmasters who try to obtain its website PageRank values ​​as high as possible so that the highest position in the search results.

      Webmasters and search engines

      Since 1997 the search engine companies recognize that some webmasters do everything to be indexed at the top of search results, including in ways that manipulative and illegal. Infoseek, one of the first generation search engines, make improvements in their algorithms to prevent manipulation of the meta tags that are not relevant.

      However, in some ways the search engines are also aware of significant economic value of the ranking of search results, and they sometimes have vested interests of the SEO company's activities. Some search engine companies to send representatives or be a guest at events held regularly SEO community.

      The big search engines like Google and Yahoo! to provide programs and guidance that enables webmasters to optimize their site to be indexed properly. Google Webmaster Tools provides application and XML-based sitemap introduce their standards, while Yahoo! Site Explorer provides a program that enables webmasters to register the URL of the site, check the number on their web pages that have been indexed in Yahoo!, and see the incoming link information. However, search engines do not tolerate SEO methods are manipulative and justifies any means.Ethics and legality
      PageRank system, although implementing a complex algorithm, the latter also no longer fully able to deal with the tricks and manipulation. Some webmasters and SEO practitioners have developed several methods that take advantage of how the PageRank of web pages that their clients are at the first ranking of search results. Google has officially banned the use of some illegal techniques such as link farming, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, and auto-generated pages or pages scraper. Sites or services that remain to use threatened SEO will be deleted from the search index.

      The threat of Google and other search engines is not just bluster. Some SEO services companies and their clients who do not heed the ban was to receive a serious penalty for their illegal actions. In 2005, Matt Cutts of Google says that the URL of an SEO firm called Traffic Power and their clients have been removed from the Google index for using illegal SEO techniques. Another famous case is when Google in February 2006 to remove the website of BMW and Ricoh Germany from the list because of proven SEO methods are manipulative. BMW and Ricoh immediately apologized to Google and improve their sites. Google then re-enter their web site into the search index. But the scandal still leaves a bad image and embarrassing for both companies.

      Under the official guidelines of search engines, SEO is not an illegal technique performed by following along the ethics and rules. This is to ensure each website to obtain equal opportunities in search, and ranking is done by an objective, where the greatest role in determining the ranking of a web page is the quality and benefits for Internet users.