RIM to innovate by giving a few extra features to the application of fuel which by default is already on every BlackBerry device. Additional features in the form of money transfer service via BlackBerry Messenger BBM with the name Money.
During a visit to Jakarta a few weeks ago, RIM CEO Thorsten Heins confirmed that BlackBerry's messenger service or a service called BBM messenger that has potential and is worthy of the media transfer funds given the system more secure BBM service with enksripsi data a step further than the other.
That's what pushed RIM to innovate makes a kind of financial services on BlackBerry Messenger. And expect a lot of BlackBerry device users who will be helped by the presence of these services.
BlackBerry Messenger Service Money was first will be applied in Indonesia. For some reason RIM chose Indonesia to host first service. While other locations will follow soon implement similar services.
From the large number of BlackBerry users, RIM may see it as a reason to apply the first money transfer services in Indonesia. And RIM view, Indonesia is still a country that is expected to maintain the existence of RIM as the world's major smartphone manufacturers.
Since losing market share in Europe and North America, the practical RIM now relies heavily on developing countries like Indonesia or India to survive while waiting for the BlackBerry smartphone platform and 10 ready to be released to face the onslaught of smartphones android and ios course.
RIM Will Release Money Transfer Service Via BBM
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RIM Will Release Money Transfer Service Via BBM
Android|BBM|BlackBerry|Money Transfer|Tech News|
Android Gingerbread Android Version Majority Still Being Used
Google has released the latest update as ICS android version 4.0 or Jelly Bean 4.1 and android 4.2.1 Finally, the Jelly Bean. However, from the statistics, the majority of Android device users was still using Android version 2.3 Gingerbread.
The number of users who use the android device android version of 2.3 Gingerbread is expected to reach 50.6%. In fact, Android Gingerbread version is quite long existed with early released in december 2010 ago.
This figure also shows that the biggest problem is that the android platform so much difference in any android device so every time Google released an updated version of Android, many devices can not get the android update.
Although not entirely Google's fault as android production, but at least consumers will view the disappointment they feel when they do not get the software update android is Google's responsibility.
Fragmentation factor android biggest problem now could not be solved. Actually it can be a bit overcome when Google as the owner of a license issued policies android platform that can be followed by the world's smartphone manufacturers and telecom operators to better be able to give even distribution when there is an update version of android.
Today, Jelly Bean android version can only be used by 6.7%. When compared with ios, then of course android will lose badly in the matter distribution platform updates.
For the version of ICS, Google estimates that currently consumes more than a quarter of android devices or approximately 27.5% to be exact. Achievement percentage of ICS and Jelly Bean is called will continue to grow in recent months, but it was much helped by sales of new android devices on average use android version ICS and Jelly Bean. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The number of users who use the android device android version of 2.3 Gingerbread is expected to reach 50.6%. In fact, Android Gingerbread version is quite long existed with early released in december 2010 ago.
This figure also shows that the biggest problem is that the android platform so much difference in any android device so every time Google released an updated version of Android, many devices can not get the android update.
Although not entirely Google's fault as android production, but at least consumers will view the disappointment they feel when they do not get the software update android is Google's responsibility.
Fragmentation factor android biggest problem now could not be solved. Actually it can be a bit overcome when Google as the owner of a license issued policies android platform that can be followed by the world's smartphone manufacturers and telecom operators to better be able to give even distribution when there is an update version of android.
Today, Jelly Bean android version can only be used by 6.7%. When compared with ios, then of course android will lose badly in the matter distribution platform updates.
For the version of ICS, Google estimates that currently consumes more than a quarter of android devices or approximately 27.5% to be exact. Achievement percentage of ICS and Jelly Bean is called will continue to grow in recent months, but it was much helped by sales of new android devices on average use android version ICS and Jelly Bean. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Android Gingerbread Android Version Majority Still Being Used
Android|Tech News|
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Inch Prepare To Fight Nexus 7 and iPad Mini
Seeing sales performance Galaxy Tab 7 inch tablet which is currently fairly mediocre, Samsung will eventually release a 7-inch Galaxy Note to face the onslaught of Nexus 7 and the iPad Mini.
Galaxy Tab 2 7-inch which actually is not too bad in sales even arguably sebaggai most selling tablet android platform, do not make the Samsung complacent. Samsung saw too many loopholes that exist in the Galaxy Tab 2 7-inch that is expected in the coming months, sales will be eroded by Google and Apple products.
Realizing this, Samsung took the initiative to release a tablet Note series for size 7 inch. If you have previously been released tablet Samsung Note 10.1 this year, likely Samsung will put Note 7 inch tablet to be more aggressive in a 7-inch tablet segment.
Presence Nexus tablet 7 is a kind of energy for adopters android tablet manufacturers to be more kompetititf. With a quad-core processor, Google offers the Nexus 7 tablet price is very cheap.
Meanwhile, Apple's current tablet market share will not remain silent with the release of 7.85 inch sized tablet called iPad Mini in October last year. Suspected, Apple saw 7 inch tablet market will be larger than the market share of the larger tablets such as 9 or 10 inch.
From the leaked specs Note 7 inch tablet which will be available early next year, Samsung will embed quad core processor and Mali 400 MP GPU in tablet Note 7 inch . While the android version is android 4.1.2 Spoken Jelly Bean.
Galaxy Tab 2 7-inch which actually is not too bad in sales even arguably sebaggai most selling tablet android platform, do not make the Samsung complacent. Samsung saw too many loopholes that exist in the Galaxy Tab 2 7-inch that is expected in the coming months, sales will be eroded by Google and Apple products.
Realizing this, Samsung took the initiative to release a tablet Note series for size 7 inch. If you have previously been released tablet Samsung Note 10.1 this year, likely Samsung will put Note 7 inch tablet to be more aggressive in a 7-inch tablet segment.
Presence Nexus tablet 7 is a kind of energy for adopters android tablet manufacturers to be more kompetititf. With a quad-core processor, Google offers the Nexus 7 tablet price is very cheap.
Meanwhile, Apple's current tablet market share will not remain silent with the release of 7.85 inch sized tablet called iPad Mini in October last year. Suspected, Apple saw 7 inch tablet market will be larger than the market share of the larger tablets such as 9 or 10 inch.
From the leaked specs Note 7 inch tablet which will be available early next year, Samsung will embed quad core processor and Mali 400 MP GPU in tablet Note 7 inch . While the android version is android 4.1.2 Spoken Jelly Bean.
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Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Inch Prepare To Fight Nexus 7 and iPad Mini
China Mobile|China Telecom|iPad Mini|iPhone interface|
Windows Phone 8.7 Update Coming in January 2013
Microsoft seems a little treat disappointment users of Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile 7.5, which certainly will not get an update to Windows Phone want 8th January, Microsoft will release Windows Phone 8.7 update for some Windows Phone devices.
Security is obtained from the official statement from Microsoft a few moments ago. Let official updates that will move in January expected for some Windows Phone devices with Windows Mobile 7.5.
Some Windows Mobile 7.5 devices will receive the update Windows Phone 7.8, including the Nokia Lumia 900, Lumia 800, Lumia 710, Lumia 510 and some others.
Many users of Windows Mobile 7.5, which was actually disappointed with the attitude that Microsoft has not updated the old device Windows Phone Windows Phone have decided to get 8. This relates to Microsoft stated that the reason for the Windows Phone 8 requires higher hardware specifications.
If on Windows Phone 7 and 7.5 do not support the use of multi-core processors, it is in Windows Phone 8 is support. Look at the series of smartphones, the Windows Phone firmly 8 as Lumia 920, Lumia 820, HTC or Samsung 8X Ativ S.
Wndows Update 7.8 changes, slightly better than in Windows Phone Mango would provide 7.5. Some of them, that it will bring a new user interface on the Lock Screen menu, new theme, and Microsoft will be the most important to some popular applications that are used on Windows Phone 7.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Security is obtained from the official statement from Microsoft a few moments ago. Let official updates that will move in January expected for some Windows Phone devices with Windows Mobile 7.5.
Some Windows Mobile 7.5 devices will receive the update Windows Phone 7.8, including the Nokia Lumia 900, Lumia 800, Lumia 710, Lumia 510 and some others.
Many users of Windows Mobile 7.5, which was actually disappointed with the attitude that Microsoft has not updated the old device Windows Phone Windows Phone have decided to get 8. This relates to Microsoft stated that the reason for the Windows Phone 8 requires higher hardware specifications.
If on Windows Phone 7 and 7.5 do not support the use of multi-core processors, it is in Windows Phone 8 is support. Look at the series of smartphones, the Windows Phone firmly 8 as Lumia 920, Lumia 820, HTC or Samsung 8X Ativ S.
Wndows Update 7.8 changes, slightly better than in Windows Phone Mango would provide 7.5. Some of them, that it will bring a new user interface on the Lock Screen menu, new theme, and Microsoft will be the most important to some popular applications that are used on Windows Phone 7.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Windows Phone 8.7 Update Coming in January 2013
Tech News|Windows Mobile|Windows Phone|
December Hot - iPhone 5, iPad Mini, iPad 4 Will Come in China
Apple has just signed a contract with one of the telecom operators in China on the latest iDevice bundling products such as the iPhone 5, iPad Mini, iPad 4 completed. Telecom operators in China makes, namely China Telecom, Apple products are the 14th of next December start.
Currently, China is the market share as seen by large producers smartphone world. Samsung is currently the only registered non-local producers in China, which has the largest market share than others.
The entry of new products in China, Apple certainly a kind of warning to local manufacturers such as ZTE, Lenovo, Huawei and others to be able to release a product that can certainly compete with Apple products.
In collaboration with China Telecom, Apple is very optimistic, more of their products than what they do to sell in the United States. Because in addition to have a larger population, the growth of smartphone sales in 2013 will likely be a lot more left in the United States.
China Telecom is the largest operator No. 3 in China. Covering a total of around 145 million customers China Telecom is also in the list of the top 10 of the world's largest listed telecom operator this year.
Actually, Apple has also explored cooperation with China's leading telecommunications operators operators, namely China Mobile is able to enforce its product bundling program. But this was made by China Mobile confirmed that the 3G network on the iPhone can not run on China Mobile's network. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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December Hot - iPhone 5, iPad Mini, iPad 4 Will Come in China
China Telecom|Tech News|
China Mobile - World's Largest Telecommunications Operators
China is the country with the largest population in the world today, with more than 1.2 billion people. A recent data showed that the telecom operators in China, namely China Mobile successfully won the title as the world's largest telecommunications operators.
It does not seem to be of the large telecom market in China currently separated. And this year, China Mobile has more than half a billion users, or rather about 638 million users. A fantastic figure.
Major telecom operators from China other is China Unicom also entered. Among the top 10 largest telecom operators in the world with the 6-position, which stood at about 219 million users
If the people of Indonesia are compared alone, mobile users of telecom operators in China are even greater. But some observers say that in the coming years, is not China Mobile subscriber growth as fast as you could say a few years ago.
Sits second position one of the major telecom operators in the UK is in fact based Vodafone. The multinational telecommunications Operataor users reach over 386 million users in 30 countries.
Meanwhile telecom operators. Several Latin American countries that cover América Móvil group in the third position with the acquisition of around 251 million users And telecom operator Bharti Airtel in India. Fourth place with 250 million subscribers
As telecom operators in Indonesia? From the available data, only reached a telecom operator in Indonesia to entry, namely Telkomsel sitting at number 13 by the number of participants 117 million subscribers.
How about your country? how much China Mobile user? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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China Mobile - World's Largest Telecommunications Operators
China Mobile|China Telecom|Tech News|
October Hot, Google, Apple, Microsoft Ready to Release New Products
Of course, the end of October, a time when the world's largest business technologies are competing strategy. With a strong marketing strategy, a major publication Google, Apple and Microsoft is preparing for a new product solves definitely not a title in the various media of the world.
Apple will first prepare ammunition at the end of the year. With the release of the iPad Mini will shake the 7-inch tablet segment mentioned Branding capitalized as the world No. 2 in the world best brands and quality products that are not sure Apple is so confident face the onslaught of the tablet to use the Android platform.
Instead, I did not even stay to see signs that Apple wants to go to segment 7-inch tablets. On 29 October, Google will release a version of Maps Nexus 7 32 GB and 3G, this is new Google strategy. With reasonable prices and a drop in prices as low as possible Nexus 7 mini iPad 16GB could be the reason why it is difficult to succeed as its predecessor iPad tablets.
Not only that, Google also wants the domination of Appe tablets for 7-inch tablet to undermine Nexus Tablet is either late 10 or early October that the initial rumor published. Nexus 10 can be better prepared to compete with the iPad tablet iPad 2 or can the new iPad.
On October 29, Google also planning to intoduce the latest version of Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie. Along with the introduction of the Nexus 4, Google seems to argue them want to master OS smartphone are now far ahead of iOS and BlackBerry.
Microsoft may not be much to say, a stranger, but a black horse. With a budget of over $ 15 trillion to promote Windows 8 Microsoft is obsessed with its position as the largest manufacturer bones PC and laptop.
And this year, Microsoft is preparing to be in the segment of smartphones and tablets is successful. Several tests were performed with different manufacturers of smartphones and tablet world.
In the tablet segment, Microsoft has launched pre Microsoft Surface. And the results are very encouraging for the status of Microsoft Surface reserved 32GB version exhausted. With the Windows 8 Tablet version or so-called Windows 8 RT, Microsoft, Apple and Google shows that it is also able to create a reliable compressed mouth with a better ecosystem.
Series of smartphones Windows Phone 8, as well as a sign of progress in the field of Smartphone Microsoft can not be underestimated. Look, Lumia 920 preorder in its success in several European countries. Public is still waiting for the HTC officially release for HTC 8X and 8S.
Oke, I think this good news for us, still waiting for new products.. see u on next article. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apple will first prepare ammunition at the end of the year. With the release of the iPad Mini will shake the 7-inch tablet segment mentioned Branding capitalized as the world No. 2 in the world best brands and quality products that are not sure Apple is so confident face the onslaught of the tablet to use the Android platform.
Instead, I did not even stay to see signs that Apple wants to go to segment 7-inch tablets. On 29 October, Google will release a version of Maps Nexus 7 32 GB and 3G, this is new Google strategy. With reasonable prices and a drop in prices as low as possible Nexus 7 mini iPad 16GB could be the reason why it is difficult to succeed as its predecessor iPad tablets.
Not only that, Google also wants the domination of Appe tablets for 7-inch tablet to undermine Nexus Tablet is either late 10 or early October that the initial rumor published. Nexus 10 can be better prepared to compete with the iPad tablet iPad 2 or can the new iPad.
On October 29, Google also planning to intoduce the latest version of Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie. Along with the introduction of the Nexus 4, Google seems to argue them want to master OS smartphone are now far ahead of iOS and BlackBerry.
Microsoft may not be much to say, a stranger, but a black horse. With a budget of over $ 15 trillion to promote Windows 8 Microsoft is obsessed with its position as the largest manufacturer bones PC and laptop.
And this year, Microsoft is preparing to be in the segment of smartphones and tablets is successful. Several tests were performed with different manufacturers of smartphones and tablet world.
In the tablet segment, Microsoft has launched pre Microsoft Surface. And the results are very encouraging for the status of Microsoft Surface reserved 32GB version exhausted. With the Windows 8 Tablet version or so-called Windows 8 RT, Microsoft, Apple and Google shows that it is also able to create a reliable compressed mouth with a better ecosystem.
Series of smartphones Windows Phone 8, as well as a sign of progress in the field of Smartphone Microsoft can not be underestimated. Look, Lumia 920 preorder in its success in several European countries. Public is still waiting for the HTC officially release for HTC 8X and 8S.
Oke, I think this good news for us, still waiting for new products.. see u on next article. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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October Hot, Google, Apple, Microsoft Ready to Release New Products
Android|iPhone interface|Tech News|Windows 8|
How to Increase Alexa Ranking
Alexa Rank is now a benchmark to monetize a blog or website that you get advertisers, increasing Classify your blog, then you are a good name for your blog in the world ranking traffic on our blog alexa internet.alexa value the small size of the money we call a blog Your blog, a simple example of a web page PPC (pay per click) class commissioning (idblognetwork) they need to accomplish his blog publiser need in Ranked 10,000,000. Not hard Alexa Rank less than 5,000,000
Here is how you can improve your blog Alexa rank:
1. Download Alexa toolbar and status bar, or by clicking the Alexa toolbar or status bar. Now, whenever your own website then calculated by Alexa. The more you visit the site on your own blog Alexa rank increases.
NB: Alexa toolbar, a single IP (Internet Protocol)
2. assets in your website or blog on the site Alexa, this will improve your blog. Reputation in the eyes of alexa
3. Install the Alexa Ranking Widget on your blog in the sidebar or footer of your blog.
4. Ask your friends to review and evaluate your Alexa website profile on your website.
5. Try to keep visitors webmaster forum (Registered in the Forum and add your website URL) to obtain, as most bloggers and webmasters Alexa toolbar installed, and also discuss the content of your blog in touch with the webmaster, SEO, Social Media to open the forum to. content for review, if you write the information content and air kualiatas
6. Update and update your blog content at least 2 or 3 times a week.
7. Please bloggers link exchange partners, plus backlink your blog will get back to visit them.
8. Create categories to post an article about Alexa and Alexa as bloggers and webmasters are always looking for new ways to increase Alexa Rank is to get fit in the traffic and Alexa ranking will also improve your blog.
9. Great promotions and make your website URL in the comment blog walking the other blogs, this way you get a new look of the site administrator.
10. Do not use the shortcut method to get the Alexa ranking.
This is a simple way of improving Alexa Rank blog.
Hopefully useful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is how you can improve your blog Alexa rank:
1. Download Alexa toolbar and status bar, or by clicking the Alexa toolbar or status bar. Now, whenever your own website then calculated by Alexa. The more you visit the site on your own blog Alexa rank increases.
NB: Alexa toolbar, a single IP (Internet Protocol)
2. assets in your website or blog on the site Alexa, this will improve your blog. Reputation in the eyes of alexa
3. Install the Alexa Ranking Widget on your blog in the sidebar or footer of your blog.
4. Ask your friends to review and evaluate your Alexa website profile on your website.
5. Try to keep visitors webmaster forum (Registered in the Forum and add your website URL) to obtain, as most bloggers and webmasters Alexa toolbar installed, and also discuss the content of your blog in touch with the webmaster, SEO, Social Media to open the forum to. content for review, if you write the information content and air kualiatas
6. Update and update your blog content at least 2 or 3 times a week.
7. Please bloggers link exchange partners, plus backlink your blog will get back to visit them.
8. Create categories to post an article about Alexa and Alexa as bloggers and webmasters are always looking for new ways to increase Alexa Rank is to get fit in the traffic and Alexa ranking will also improve your blog.
9. Great promotions and make your website URL in the comment blog walking the other blogs, this way you get a new look of the site administrator.
10. Do not use the shortcut method to get the Alexa ranking.
This is a simple way of improving Alexa Rank blog.
Hopefully useful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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How to Increase Alexa Ranking
Alexa Rank|How To Blogger|SEO Tips|
Elpis, Best Use of Experience launches Pandora on Your Desktop
Ever feel the awesomeness of Pandora? Do you want something more than just a Pandora-style entertainment? The answer is quite simple, get a switch and enrich your Pandora experience using the Elpis is a kind of Pandora client application open source (free) which is able to present the experience of Pandora through the existence of the Windows desktop look more stylish with an ad-free interface of course.
Elpis own existence can be regarded as support services provided by Pandora Media, Inc.. Windows-based desktop application is presented to provide a simple, light and fluffy in entertainment and music through Pandora relieve you of any limitations on the existing web browser.

Unlike the Elpis application that is open source, the existence of its own for the time being Pandora is including the application fee. As one of the best possible way you can stream music with better quality (at a rate of 192Kbps MP3 quality) is to buy a Pandora One Subscription. And to change any settings, they say you can do only through Elpis existing settings after you have officially declared a subscription.
Unlike other applications that have a Pandora client interface is more similar to the Pandora interface, Elpis seems to have made a major breakthrough by choosing the interface that tends to look similar to the iPhone interface. Operate reliably with an easy to use and intuitive, making this application is significantly better than the existence of Pandora application that uses the browser. And even to execute operations such familiar enough to make radio stations, select a song up or down, and so forth can be performed quickly and easily.
In addition, the Elpis also be minimized to system tray and will form displays tips notification when a new song being played. That way, you can freely run other applications without having to interfere with the existence of Elpis application view that you are running at the time.
Here is a description of the features carried by Elpis application, namely:
- As a simple desktop application for a free account or subscribe.
- View, Sort and Select Station.
- Play, Pause, Skip Song.
- Cover Art and Artist.
- Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Tired of Song.
- And automatic user login credential stored securely.
- It can automatically play the last station each time the application is run.
- There is a notification to the song info using the system tray.
- Can be minimized to system tray.
- Pandora.com can display the info page for the song, artist, album and station.
- Can automatically reconnect to the session timeout (no more "Are you still listening ...").
- Can make a station.
- Can edit QuickMix.
- Can make the Station of the Song / Artist who is playing or played.
- Can add to the artist, song, or composer new to the station today.
- The support of the Media Key (Global and Application level).
In accordance with the requirements of existing systems, the presence of Microsoft NET Framework 4.0 before you provide an absolute must on your Windows device so you can run applications Elpis optimally. And for those of you who currently use the shelter system is Windows XP SP3, Vista, and Windows 7 is said you can directly use the application Elpis. And the installer file size is only 1, 09 Mbyte only.
As for the requirements of the hardware itself was practically no provision means that so far, it is certainly related to the use of smaller memory compared HTML5 web-based applications that run using a modern browser such as Chrome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Elpis, Best Use of Experience launches Pandora on Your Desktop
Elpis|iPhone interface|Pandora|Tech News|
Vokle, Applications Free Teleconference Of New Future
With the advancement of telecommunications technology and information systems is rapidly increasing in recent years makes all the difference in distance and far-flung places are now no longer be an obstacle. And moreover by the presence of Vokle applications that reportedly can provide the best solution for free teleconference to deal with any activity you do.
Although his presence itself is still in Beta version for now, but no doubt their reliability. And as one of the applications that you deserve to try, this application allows the operation of the video chat was more organized with a no-frills fare or charge at all. This of course can not be separated in the presence of the structure and features of the latest additions that you will not find on most other similar applications are available for free like this Vokle application.
Vokle system is 3 (three) main components are packaged in a program for the convenience of a seamless installation and use. And thanks to the third main component, and then you will disulap host or join a live audience in the teleconference, interact with other witnesses and join with us in it, and it could access the teleconference of the ongoing activities and record them.
"event" is at the core and foundation of the system Vokle. With the "event" there can be a teleconference between a person's activity on the other side as the other person. An "event" itself consists of: host, audience, and interfaces. Host is the party that organized the event and as if in control of the event. Audience is the parties who witnessed the event, regardless of whether the parties concerned to participate actively or not. While the interface is anything that is allowed to interact or not, whether to chat via text, video, sound, or a combination thereof.
Interactions that occur between the host and audience or between fellow members of the audience who have made an application Vokle so beneficial and so accounted for his whereabouts. There is a chat window that allows you to interact via text. In addition, you can also set the video options and vote on the chat. And when you respond to chat from the host or other audience members, the relevant host can transfer videos to your video feed so that other audiences will also be able to see it. Host task here is to control the level of participation of the audience without having to worry about stagnant or interrupted the conversation going when the interaction takes place. And in this case too, the audience can also participate to interact and comment. So the existence of the option to interact in an organized and orderly way, may have made an application Vokle more than just a communication tool or via video teleconference usual.
In addition to the live event, Vokle application also offers the option to watch the event is not a live recording alias. Each recorded event will be divided into sections called "chapther" so you can easily and quickly find the part where you want to view and see. Each "capther" begins and is marked by conversation or other interaction with audience members, so the existence of content "capther" is still relevant from beginning to end. An event is recorded can be displayed within a certain time period at any time so that it can be seen by those who can not attend or attend a live event before.
In spite of it all, this Beta version Vokle applications have now been widely used by a variety of backgrounds of people. And even there the event Vockle attach them to the personal web site. While the various parties concerned with the existence of Vokle application is reportedly estimate that some day the existence of this application will be a means of communication and learning via the Internet are very popular and can be accounted for its existence other than Youtube and Facebook.
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Vokle, Applications Free Teleconference Of New Future
Chat|Tech News|Teleconference|Video|Vokle|
Super Amoled, Best Touch Screen! How do you think ?
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Super Amoled |
A mainstay of every gadget product of course is the level of screen clarity. If the gadget is a touch screen, it is in need of his responsitif level. For each type of company would adopt a different screen with different qualities as well. Several large companies such Sonny and Apple has a level of screen brightness and response rate on average. And what about the other products?
3 years ago domination gadgets product is still dominated by Android. Samsung is a success company of Android . Of course this is offset by the quality of the gadget is good also. Samsung has been in special claims to have the best screen in the world who dubbed Super Amoled.
Indeed, in general, it is hard to deny the privilege of the screen on Samsung stretcher. Super Amoled has a bright glass quality, sharp, and the responsiveness of the fastest. But in terms of its use, super AMOLED much needed power.
So Samsung issued a motto "The best ever viewing experience". A little "cocky" is, but the statement was not it just came out if not attested by the tangible results, a number of parties have also claimed that the screen of the Samsung is the best product of all time (Reuters).
Super Amoled was first being introduced around the year 2010 in Barcelona, Spain at the Mobile World Congres. The first device that carries the super AMOLED screen is Samsung S8500 Wave. Then continues to the other type such as the Samsung I9000 and the most phenomenal with sales reaching over 10 million units of the Samsung Galaxy S.
Super Amoled is using the technique settings "Stripe Real" RGB sub-pixels using 12 pixels in each section. With a solid sub-pixel, it becomes more subtle visual detail. In comparison AMOLED super ordinary glass, that use methods Pentile RGBG "only" had 8 subpixels in each pixel. Another is the power consumption in more efficient use Super AMOLED AMOLED screen 18% of the ordinary.
In the coming months, the Samsung will soon introduce in the prediction of the next generation AMOLED nicknamed Super HD Super Amoled Plus that will be introduced this year. Let's wait, because Samsung is always ready to be a new breakthrough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Super Amoled, Best Touch Screen! How do you think ?
Android|Tech News|
Facebook Timeline "Required"
Facebook Timeline has introduced since the end of 2011, but only used for anyone interested. However, Facebook will require all users to use the latest timeline.
From now on, users will only be told that they were 'update' through announcements at the top of their home page, which when clicked the user will activate the Timeline.
As the timeline switch voluntarily, those who 'update' has just seven days time to select the photos, posts, and events in their lives who want to display to the world, on Thursday (25 / 1).
Through Facebook's official blog, the site announced, "last year we introduced a timeline, a new type of profile that lets you highlight the photos, posts, and life events that help you tell your story".
"Over the next few weeks, everyone will get a timeline. When you get a new timeline, you will have seven days to see what's there now".
"It gives you the opportunity to add or hide whatever you want before anyone else see it".
The new look was also paired with a 'timeline apps', such as Spotify, who posted every time people listen to songs, or recipes, or visit the place.
"You can learn more about new features quickly take a tour are available at the top of your timeline," Facebook said.
"If you want to get the timeline right now, go to page Introduction Timeline and click the 'Get Timeline' Or you can wait until you see the announcement at the top of your home page.".
The pages are redesigned to have more photos like a magazine, with a 'photo cover of' large at the top of the page. To the right of the page there will be a timeline that breaks down all of the time someone posts on Facebook and allows users to jump back to the original posting by breaking a month-by-month.
As is known, the latest FB timeline has been criticized for display of photos and posts that people might want to forget. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Facebook Timeline "Required"
Tech News|
Poland ratified Online Censorship Law
It seems that the more restricted the freedom of cyberspace after a few states make laws such as Law Stop Online Piracy and the Law of Intellectual Property owned by the United States. Now, turn to Poland to sign a similar law called international copyright treaties.
Media ZeeNews proclaim, Thursday (26 / 1), the regulation of Internet users feared would lead to censorship on some pages online.
Japanese Ambassador to Poland, Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska, also signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, in Tokyo, Japan. ACTA is much agreement that aims to harmonize international standards to protect the rights of copyright in producing music, film, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and various other products that often become victims of theft of intellectual property.
ACTA aims to combat online piracy of movies and music. It was feared the government to block content on the Internet.
Poland is one of several European Union countries to sign the ACTA. The signing of the agreement has caused outrage and protests from Internet activists. However, the leader of Poland's struggle to allay concerns. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said the Internet should not be allowed to be a space "legal anarchy". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Media ZeeNews proclaim, Thursday (26 / 1), the regulation of Internet users feared would lead to censorship on some pages online.
Japanese Ambassador to Poland, Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska, also signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, in Tokyo, Japan. ACTA is much agreement that aims to harmonize international standards to protect the rights of copyright in producing music, film, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and various other products that often become victims of theft of intellectual property.
ACTA aims to combat online piracy of movies and music. It was feared the government to block content on the Internet.
Poland is one of several European Union countries to sign the ACTA. The signing of the agreement has caused outrage and protests from Internet activists. However, the leader of Poland's struggle to allay concerns. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said the Internet should not be allowed to be a space "legal anarchy". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Poland ratified Online Censorship Law
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FBI Will Be Monitor Your Facebook and Twitter Accounts
After the issue had become quite warm, how third parties can monitor our personal account of social media, now it seems it will happen real soon.
News released by The Telegraph, reveals how the FBI - America's intelligence agency - give open offer to the industry of information technology (IT) that can provide applications to monitor social media sites that exist in cyberspace.
One of the requirements of such applications include applications that allow the FBI to be able to access the account owner's personal data in real time, and can show the exact location of the user while accessing his account.
Some acts of criminality that these days are often associated with the account actors in the social media sites, seems to make the United States authorities to consider the need to take preventive action.
Social media has become a major source of intelligence, because he (social media) has become first and foremost the media response to several important events, and media alerts to all forms of evolving situations that allow", the following statement of the FBI in open bidding.
Of course this also raises the pros and cons in the community. Issue of privacy will be increasingly intensified to avoid this to happen. However, the FBI apparently chose not to comment on this issue.
How do you think? More benefits or disadvantages? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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FBI Will Be Monitor Your Facebook and Twitter Accounts
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Windows 8 Developer Preview, Amazing !
Although the form is not yet in a final ( Considering Windows 8 It's still BETA version ), following the author will describe the parts that are very interesting in this Windows 8.
- UI is in fact the concept and equated it to the user Computer Table, called Metro. This is a view mainstay of Windows 8.
- Display the Control Panel is complete with Preview to see any changes in the desktop later. So, even if you do not use that settings, you will still be able to see it.
- Display number of applications that can be accessed directly from the UI Metro.
- Form in desktop mode, the display is still the same desktop with Windows 7.
- The most striking is in the File Manager, File Manager in Windows 8 is already using the Ribbon.
- Display windows in moving or copying a file looks interesting.
- Display systemnya are still the same with Windows 7, no change.
- Another new feature is the Task Manager, if the first time will open the graphical display of your RAM work process.
There are few things the author wants to convey to you, maybe if you are a novice user will feel confused to use it. It was natural that the author when the first entry in the Screen. Not to display the desktop does not immediately appear, because preceded by Metro Screen.
Perhaps, this special prepared for application developers who want to sell later on Windows 8. For applications in Windows 8 can not be used to other operating systems though it is in Windows 7. But Windows 7 applications can be used in Windows 8. Of course there will be many more changes in the final version.
Is scheduled to release in 2012, certainly makes a lot of parties can not wait to forward this best-selling operating systems. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Windows 8 Developer Preview, Amazing !
Tech News|Windows 8|
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