RIM Will Release Money Transfer Service Via BBM

RIM to innovate by giving a few extra features to the application of fuel which by default is already on every BlackBerry device. Additional features in the form of money transfer service via BlackBerry Messenger BBM with the name Money.

During a visit to Jakarta a few weeks ago, RIM CEO Thorsten Heins confirmed that BlackBerry's messenger service or a service called BBM messenger that has potential and is worthy of the media transfer funds given the system more secure BBM service with enksripsi data a step further than the other.

That's what pushed RIM to innovate makes a kind of financial services on BlackBerry Messenger. And expect a lot of BlackBerry device users who will be helped by the presence of these services.

BlackBerry Messenger Service Money was first will be applied in Indonesia. For some reason RIM chose Indonesia to host first service. While other locations will follow soon implement similar services.

From the large number of BlackBerry users, RIM may see it as a reason to apply the first money transfer services in Indonesia. And RIM view, Indonesia is still a country that is expected to maintain the existence of RIM as the world's major smartphone manufacturers.

Since losing market share in Europe and North America, the practical RIM now relies heavily on developing countries like Indonesia or India to survive while waiting for the BlackBerry smartphone platform and 10 ready to be released to face the onslaught of smartphones android and ios course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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