FBI Will Be Monitor Your Facebook and Twitter Accounts

After the issue had become quite warm, how third parties can monitor our personal account of social media, now it seems it will happen real soon.

News released by The Telegraph, reveals how the FBI - America's intelligence agency - give open offer to the industry of information technology (IT) that can provide applications to monitor social media sites that exist in cyberspace.

One of the requirements of such applications include applications that allow the FBI to be able to access the account owner's personal data in real time, and can show the exact location of the user while accessing his account.

Some acts of criminality that these days are often associated with the account actors in the social media sites, seems to make the United States authorities to consider the need to take preventive action.

Social media has become a major source of intelligence, because he (social media) has become first and foremost the media response to several important events, and media alerts to all forms of evolving situations that allow", the following statement of the FBI in open bidding. 

Of course this also raises the pros and cons in the community. Issue of privacy will be increasingly intensified to avoid this to happen. However, the FBI apparently chose not to comment on this issue.

How do you think? More benefits or disadvantages?
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