October Hot, Google, Apple, Microsoft Ready to Release New Products

Of course, the end of October, a time when the world's largest business technologies are competing strategy. With a strong marketing strategy, a major publication Google, Apple and Microsoft is preparing for a new product solves definitely not a title in the various media of the world.

Google, Apple, Microsoft

Apple will first prepare ammunition at the end of the year. With the release of the iPad Mini will shake the 7-inch tablet segment mentioned Branding capitalized as the world No. 2 in the world best brands and quality products that are not sure Apple is so confident face the onslaught of the tablet to use the Android platform.

Instead, I did not even stay to see signs that Apple wants to go to segment 7-inch tablets. On 29 October, Google will release a version of Maps Nexus 7 32 GB and 3G, this is new Google strategy. With reasonable prices and a drop in prices as low as possible Nexus 7 mini iPad 16GB could be the reason why it is difficult to succeed as its predecessor iPad tablets.


Not only that, Google also wants the domination of Appe tablets for 7-inch tablet to undermine Nexus Tablet is either late 10 or early October that the initial rumor published. Nexus 10 can be better prepared to compete with the iPad tablet iPad 2 or can the new iPad.


On October 29, Google also planning to intoduce the latest version of Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie. Along with the introduction of the Nexus 4, Google seems to argue them want to master OS smartphone are now far ahead of iOS and BlackBerry.

Microsoft may not be much to say, a stranger, but a black horse. With a budget of over $ 15 trillion to promote Windows 8 Microsoft is obsessed with its position as the largest manufacturer bones PC and laptop.

And this year, Microsoft is preparing to be in the segment of smartphones and tablets is successful. Several tests were performed with different manufacturers of smartphones and tablet world.


In the tablet segment, Microsoft has launched pre Microsoft Surface. And the results are very encouraging for the status of Microsoft Surface reserved 32GB version exhausted. With the Windows 8 Tablet version or so-called Windows 8 RT, Microsoft, Apple and Google shows that it is also able to create a reliable compressed mouth with a better ecosystem.

Series of smartphones Windows Phone 8, as well as a sign of progress in the field of Smartphone Microsoft can not be underestimated. Look, Lumia 920 preorder in its success in several European countries. Public is still waiting for the HTC officially release for HTC 8X and 8S.

Oke, I think this good news for us, still waiting for new products.. see u on next article. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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