New Huawei Smartphone Specifications Leaked, Water and Dust Resistant?

Electronics exhibition Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2013 will soon be held in Barcelona, Spain. Not to mention the show begins, Huawei's new products will be showcased at the event was leaked prematurely.

Latest smartphone from the Chinese vendor, Huawei Ascend P2 has been leaked in cyberspace. Smartphone is scheduled to be announced in a press conference at the MWC event which will be held next February Barcelona.

Quoted from GSMArena, Wednesday (02/13/2013), Ascend P2 will carry a smaller screen than ascend D2. Screen measuring 4.5 inches in Ascen P2 is capable of displaying Full HD 1080p quality.

Chipset mounted on Huawei's new smartphone is a powerful Quad Core processor 1.8 GHz. 13MP camera capable of recording 1080p video also procured at Ascend P2.

Huawei said to complement this new product with features waterproof and dust. IP54 certification given on this device showed resistance to water. Unfortunately, the level of resistance is not only limited to just splash bath.

Earlier, ahead of the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in January 2013 and some products Huawei also announced resmi.Berbagai leaked prior information about the Huawei Ascend D2 and Mate leaked before the official announcement at the company held a press conference in Las Vegas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

U.S. President Barack Obama Signs Cyber ​​Security Rules, What Next?

U.S. President Barack Obama signed the new rules governing security in cyber-security. This rule allows the government to share information about the existence of "cyber threats" to private companies.

Reporting from the pages of The Verge quoted on Wednesday (02/12/2013), Obama said the U.S. will face increasing challenges against cyber attacks. On this occasion, Obama also asked the support of the U.S. Congress to strengthen cyber defenses.

"In order (Congress) passed the Act to provide greater capacity to secure our network and face the attack," said Obama.

Obama revealed that U.S. foes target for sabotage against a number of public facilities and special facilities. "The power we, our financial institutions, and systems of our air traffic controllers," said Obama.

According to Foreign Policy, the rule is the development of the "Enhanced Cybersecurity Services", which is a program to share information about cyber challenge, launched in May 2012. The program was developed by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Internal Security. There are at least 17 ​​companies involved in the program.

Government regulation of cyber-security is actually designed to be a "weapon" executive, because Bill was passed in Congress failed. When is Cyber ​​Intelligence Sharing and Protecting Act (CISPA) or a bill that also regulates intelligence in cyberspace controversy, so the U.S. Congress unwilling to give approval.

Therefore, the bill was not considered to limit the powers of government, as well as enterprises, to access and share information about cyber. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Steve Wozniak Biography - Apple Founder

Better known as Woz, Steve Wozniak was born on August 11, 1950 in Sunnyvale.  Little known of his biological mother but the son of a Lockheed engineer, Steve had a dream.  A dream that no one could take from him no matter what they said or did.  Although, he has  apluthra of accomplishments, Mr. Wozinak has found time for a family of six, where three are his biological kids from his second marriage and the other three are his half from his present and third marriage.  Even as a child, Steve diligently spent his time developing and working on computers.  He was blessed with the knowledge of the computer and he clearly states,” It was all self-done;  I didn’t ever take a course, didn’t ever buy a book on how to do it. Just pieced it together in my own head.”  Building and developing computers was not a job for Steve but more of a hobby.  In an article, he says,” I loved doing it, because when we were in elementary school and junior high school and even high school, it was neat to have other friends in electronics down the block.  We would run house-to-house wired intercoms and somebody would build a neat little sound maker, and we’d go down to Sunnyvale Electronics and buy the parts.  That was a big part of my life.  That was how we had our fun.” (Wolfson)

Steve Wozniak had a fetish for Tom Swift books which aroused his love for technology and science.  The books told of a young boy who was an engineer would could design anything.    His father’s occupation increased his love for his craft in which he [his father] would help him complete his electrical science projects.  His teachers recognized his talent, praised him for being smart which resulted in him wanted to be even smarter in the field.  In the sixth grade, Steve received his Ham Radio License.  Ham radio operators are licensed by the United States Government and enjoy a far more priviledges of radio operation than "CB" radio operators do. With a Ham license, there are obligations and rules for the operation of an amateur radio station. More importantly, there are a few things that hams, which is the name they call themselves, are not allowed to do:

-Hams are not allowed to do anything with their radios that makes them money in way.

-Ham radio operator cannot `broadcast' to the public. This means that ham radio transmissions are meant to be received by other ham radio operators. While a short-wave radios or scanners will allow you to listen to the ham radio bands, what you will hear is hams talking to other hams and not music or other radio programs of `general' interest.” (Wolfson)

However, within these (and other) guidelines, hams are empowered to do just about everything that government and private radio stations are allowed to do.

After realizing his aptitude of knowledge,  Steve continued to invent and develop things for the betterment of the technology world.  He has a vast amount of accolades that are listed below but is most known for his recognition in the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his 666 dollar Apple II.  This computer combined the central processing unit, keyboard and the disk drive in one unit. (Vermatt)  Little known fact, in 1977, Steve passed out the dynamic commercial design for the apple computer and three years later it went public and Mr. Wozniak became worth millions of dollars.  Besides from his popular creation, Steve was recognized for the following:

1972:  University of Colorado, EECS:  Electrical Engineering Computer Science  program
1976:  Designed Hewlett Packard calculator with chips(a minute slice of semi-conducting material, such as silicon or germanium).
1979:  designed early Apple computer products
1983:  sponsored the first three USSR space bridges
1990:  sponsored computers for schools in USSR
1996: Computer support for Los Gatos United (school LAN(Local Area Network) planning and wirings)
Blue box whistle from a Captain Crunch box that generated tones able of  making telephone calls.
1984:  Macintosh Computer
After an early plane crash in 1981 and speedy recovery, Mr. Wozniak took a leave of absence from Apple and decided to devote himself to his family community projects and education. If any advice, he would say,” Believe in encouraging free thinking and creativity for youngsters, counsel them against forced of conformity and drugs which leave them “not the master” of their fate.” (Woz. org)

Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin Biography - Google Founder

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin is famous for revolutionizing the world of Internet search engines. He co-founded Google with his research partner Larry Page. The whole world knows about Google, but perhaps knows little about Sergey Brin. He is the President of Technology at Google and takes an active role in shaping the company’s future. He is the fourth youngest billionaire in the world.

Brin was born in Moscow in 1973. Both his mother and father were mathematicians, which might explain Sergey’s genius for numbers and formulae. Brin and his family emigrated to the United States when he was six. He attended a Montessori school and his father developed his interest in maths. He graduated from university in 1993 with a degree in maths and computer science.

Brin finished his master’s degree in computer science at America’s prestigious Stanford University. He started his Ph.D. on the processes and calculations that search engines use. He teamed up with Larry Page and they wrote a paper that became the blueprint for Google. He put his studies aside to focus on his new business project. It made him rich beyond his wildest dreams.

Although Brin’s ‘official’ salary is just over $43,000 a year, he has a personal fortune of  $18.5 billion. He has expanded his business interests into other areas of technology and movie production. In 2008, he invested $5 million in a space tourism company. He is also an investor in Tesla Motors, which is developing a long-range electric car. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------